Computer Virus List
Watch out for these viruses. They could be very destructive to your computer:
Ellen Degeneres Virus - Your IBM suddenly claims it's a MAC
Titanic Virus - Makes your whole computer go down
Disney Virus - Everything in the computer goes Goofy
Prozac Virus - Screws up your RAM but your processor doesn't care
Woody Allen Virus - Bypasses the motherboard and turns on a daughter card
Paris Hilton Virus - Has no real function, but makes a pretty desktop
Oprah Winfrey Virus - Your 200GB hard drive suddenly shrinks to 80GB, and then slowly expands to 300GB
AT&T Virus - Every 3 minutes it tells you what a great service you are getting
MCI Virus - Every 3 minutes it reminds you that you're paying too much for the AT&T Virus
Viagra Virus - Expands your hard drive while putting too much pressure on your zip
Hey kid... good job. very interesting though. In ur next blog why don't you try to write about Virus/Worms. Of you there's a nice information called w32.narchea.. do check it out.